Saturday, October 10, 2015

Come on, Men! Get Romantic!

Love.  It's a many-splendored thing.  At least, that's what Paul Francis Webster told us in his song of a similar name.  The lyrics are so short and so sweet, yet so powerfully intriguing.  Check out the first verse:

Love is a many splendored thing
It’s the April rose that only grows in the early spring
Love is nature’s way of giving a reason to be living
The golden crown that makes a man a king

A KING?!  What man wouldn’t want to be a king? Not any I can think of and I’m sure most of you reading are loathe to think of one, either.  So, you’d think men the world over would be trying to get their hands on some of this love that Webster wrote about. Trying to get their hands on all resources and tools that will get them closer to this thing that eludes so many.  A thing that’s so huge, yet made up of just four little letters.  L-O-V-E. 

What better way to stay “in the know” about what women think, want and desire when it comes to love than by delving into the sea of romance novels available out here?  I mean, there’s good ones, bad ones, short ones, long ones, sweet ones, sultry ones, erotic ones and straight up pornographic ones. There are romance novels about ghosts giving some chick the old meat stickL, romance novels about two souls colliding and becoming one in an instant, those about old lovers who have found each other once more and the list goes on and on and on!  It’s so long and varied that I could probably write an entire book just on the types of romance novels out there! And, why each one is a good place to start when it comes to getting into the hearts and minds of women as it relates to love, lust and relationships.  So, why aren’t more of you guys reading romance novels?!?!

Romance Writers of America commissioned Nielsen to do an analysis of romance buyers and they found that women make up EIGHTY-FOUR percent of the overall romance buyer’s market.  EIGHTY-FOUR!  So, what does that tell you?  You men are missing out on a HUGE swath of information that might help you stop making some of the foolish mistakes you make when it comes to relationships!  Let me be clear.  I do not, by any means, think that all men are romance or relationship deficient, but let’s face it, a lot of you are.  Instead of getting your information from other men about how to be with women, why not get good, solid information from the ones whose affection you desire? Women! 

I get it.  You feel like your friends might think you’re some kind of pushover if you’re reading romance novels (*rolls eyes*), but are you trying to get into their boxers and have them prepare you a nice, romantic dinner from time to time, or are you trying to win the affections of a nice young lady?  I thought so.  So, here’s something to remember. You don’t have to broadcast to the world that you’re reading romance novels!  Gone are the days of needing to walk around with a big book with some Fabio looking guy standing next to a scantily-clad damsel in a hoop skirt on the cover.  Haven’t you guys heard of EBOOKS!?!?

Just slide on over to any of a NUMBER of websites, including Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Smashwords, Google Play, All Romance Ebooks, etc., etc., etc., and click buy on something hot and intriguing!  Within seconds you can have a certified lady playbook right there in the palm of your hands, ready to provide you with all that you need to know when it comes to dealing with women.  How to love, how to please her sexually (thereby leading to greater pleasure for yourself in the process) and how to enjoy her company without many headaches and hassles.  Is that really something to run from?!  Hell no!  So, click one of the links above and get to it, or pick up something right here at Peephole Press!  That’s what I’d prefer.  I mean, let’s be honest with one another, but there’s a whole world waiting out there for you to explore. And, best of all, there’s something for every budget.  Trust me on this! 

Maybe start with something short, just to get your feet wet.  That way you won’t feel overwhelmed during your “first time”.  Hee hee.  There are two good options right here on this website and I think you’ll enjoy them both.  My guy in Officer Bad Boy isn’t the best example, but hey, he’s real and my main character does a good job of setting him straight.  So, there’s a lesson to learn in there, still. Now, why are you still here? Read that last paragraph and get to shopping for your first romance eBook!  Then, come back and let me know what you thought! 

Got something to say about all of this?  Shoot me an email at shanajames at peeppress dot com or check me out on Twitter @reachshanajames.  I’d love to hear your thoughts!  I’d also love to answer any questions you have.  It’s really not as scary as you might think and you might be just the man for the job of getting more men to realize that not reading romance novels is one of the craziest things any man can do.    --Shana James


  1. Men, what are we waiting for? These stats are startling. I think this is the reason why we have so many broken marriages and divorce. Because the men leave the most important aspect(romance) of relationship to women, we expect everything to be a smooth ride in our relationships. The worst thing for any man to do in any relationship is not to be sensitive when it comes to romance. Shana, I wish many men are reading this so, they can change.

  2. They said the shortest distance in the world is LOVE. It is so verse that people interpret it to explain their condition. Love can mean different thing to different people. However, depending on your understanding, love can actually be abused. When you lack the knowledge about something, abuse inevitable. Men, why not take the bold step to understand our women through reading romance books. This one step can go a long way to mending broken hearts.
